Sign the petition: I believe women who survived sexual harassment, abuse, and assault

Donald Trump threw his support behind Republican candidate Roy Moore, despite very serious sexual assault allegations against him. Trump said that because Moore denies it, he believes him.

You know who we should believe? Women.

Believe women, no matter when or if we speak up about sexual harassment, abuse, or assault.

Believe women, no matter who our abusers are.

Believe women when we say that harassment, abuse, and assault are widespread and that so many of us have experienced it.

Believe women even if we aren’t able to share our stories.

Believe women of color, queer and trans women, and disabled women when we say that we face harassment, abuse, and assault at disproportionate rates. We deserve advocates, too.

Believe survivors of all marginalized genders, including non-binary and transmasculine folks.

Believe us.

Sign now to say you believe survivors of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault.