Sign the petition: I support student walkouts and protests

This week, video surfaced of a high school English teacher telling a group of Latino students that troops are fighting for their right to “speak American,” not Spanish. A few days after these racist and bigoted comments, dozens of students walked out of class in protest.

The students who walked out are already facing suspension charges — and they’re not the only students who have staged a protest and are now facing disciplinary action.

All around the country, students are taking action to protest the Trump administration, school policies, and discriminatory actions, but they’re being punished for it.

And beyond this, disciplinary actions like suspensions or expulsions already disproportionately target students of color.

Dissent is a core part of democracy. Students must be able to protest without fear of retaliatory action from their principals and school boards — stifling their actions is stifling free speech.

Sign our petition to support student walkouts and protests.