Sign the petition: Immigrants and refugees are welcome here. Trump’s attack on Statue of Liberty is a disgrace.

This week, the Trump administration announced their latest anti-immigration policies - but their bigotry doesn’t end there.

In a recent press conference, Stephen Miller, Trump’s national policy adviser, used the Statue of Liberty to argue against immigrant rights.

When asked about its inscription - “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free” - Miller attempted to delegitimize the poem and its meaning, saying it was “added later.”

Immigrants and refugees are welcome in the United States. The Trump administration’s shameful (and inaccurate - the story isn’t as simple as “the poem was added later”) dismissal of the Statue of Liberty and its meaning is just their latest attempt to harm immigrants and refugees, but we won’t stand for it.

Sign our petition now to say that immigrants and refugees are welcome here. The Trump administration’s attack on the Statue of Liberty is a disgrace.