Sign the petition: Make voter registration automatic nationwide

In 2022, Americans voted in record numbers, with 52.2% of the citizen voting-age population participating. However, about 30% of eligible Americans remain unregistered to vote despite robust efforts from civic voter registration programs. This gap in registration disproportionately impacts low-income individuals, communities of color, and younger people.

Pennsylvania recently enacted automatic voter registration to boost access. Automatic voter registration isn't merely a convenience; it's a proven tool for strengthening our democracy by increasing participation. When you renew or obtain official identification, such as a driver’s license, you have to provide key information such as proof of identity, residency, and age. The same information you need to register to vote. We could simplify the process of voter registration by automatically registering eligible voters when obtaining an ID.

If we are to be a country of the people, by the people, and for the people, then we must ensure that the people can actually vote. That's why we're calling on remaining states across the nation to enact automatic voter registration policies immediately.

Sign the petition: Reduce barriers to voting. Support automatic voter registration.

Participating Organizations:
African Communities Together
American Family Voices
Arab American Civic Council
Bring America Home NOW!
California Environmental Voters
Coalition on Human Needs
Daily Kos Democracy Project
El/La Para TransLatinas
Integrity First Voter Action Project
National Coalition for the Homeless
Native Organizers Alliance Action Fund
Progress America