Sign the petition: No education funding cuts

The recent announcement by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, proposing a substantial reduction in funding for Richmond Public Schools, highlights a concerning trend emerging across the nation that our children's education isn't a priority.

At a time when schools are still recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, these cuts severely undermine the progress made in education. Essential services, including mental health support, modernization of school facilities, and resources for diverse learners, are at risk due to a lack of essential funding. The often-cited justification for these cuts – the reluctance to replace one-time federal COVID allocations with state funds – overlooks the growing needs and costs of maintaining quality education.

We must send a clear message to state legislatures across the country: Slashing education funding is unacceptable. To address ongoing challenges like pandemic learning loss and inadequate school infrastructure, we need to maintain and increase educational funding.

Sign the petition: Tell states not to slash education funding.

Participating Organizations:
Bring America Home NOW
Daily Kos
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
National Campaign for Justice
National Coalition for the Homeless
The Juggernaut Project