Sign the petition: Rename a prison after Trump instead of an airport

GOP lawmakers are pushing to immortalize Donald Trump by renaming the Washington Dulles International Airport after him. The Trump brand has become synonymous with failed ventures—Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University, and more—it's baffling to see. It's simply more MAGA idolization of a past president who tried to overthrow the government and wants to destroy democracy, not to mention individual freedoms and equality.

In response, Reps. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), Gerry Connolly (D-VA), and John Garamendi (D-CA) have introduced legislation that fittingly reflects Trump's legacy. Their bill proposes renaming the federal prison in Miami, Florida, to the Donald J. Trump Federal Correctional Institution.

The man who has spent a lifetime plastering his name in gold on every surface possible could finally see it emblazoned where it truly belongs: on a facility that symbolizes his real impact on our democracy and legal system. This is about ensuring history remembers Trump not for the empty promises of wealth and success, but for the litany of legal battles, being the first former president in U.S. history to be criminally indicted, with 88 offenses in four criminal cases to date, and the undeniable mark he's left on the fabric of American justice.

This is a stand for truth, accountability, and justice, ensuring it's remembered accurately. We won't let those who would rewrite history to glorify the indefensible.

Sign the petition: Rename the closest federal prison to Mar-a-Lago, the Donald J. Trump Federal Correctional Institution. Because if there's one thing Trump has truly earned, it's his name in big, bold letters on a building that can finally contain his legacy.

Participating Organizations:
Daily Kos
Democratic Values
Stop Trump Project
The People United