Sign the petition: Revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status!

Our nation is reeling as we deal with repeated instances of gun violence that seem to have no end. There have been 164 mass shootings so far in 2023, averaging about 1.5 per day. Yet, certain political factions refuse to take action, partly because of the lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Association (NRA).
The NRA has long been suspected of engaging in potentially illegal activities. A Senate investigation disclosed the NRA's collaboration with Russians to influence American elections, with NRA resources being utilized to gain political favors for two Russian individuals.
The organization was also accused of misusing its tax-exempt status by funneling millions of dollars to top executives and vendors, yet the IRS never conducted an investigation.
Rather than merely supporting the Second Amendment, the NRA has acted as a powerful lobbying force, backing politicians who obstruct gun reform measures. And as state legislatures across the country relax gun laws, we've seen an uptick in gun violence.
In light of these findings and the organization's violations of federal laws governing charities, we call for the IRS to revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status.
The NRA’s sordid dealings have violated the federal laws governing charitable organizations. Sign the petition to demand the NRA’s tax-exempt status be revoked.
Participating Organizations
Daily Kos
Forward Blue
Democratic Values
Progress America
Social Security Works
The People United