Sign the petition: Support Indigenous candidates

In the next election, we must assure a full representation of our nation. We are seeking to empower the political voice of Indigenous Peoples ahead of the 2020 elections.

The social and economic inequalities within our country are entrenched. We must elect people at the federal, state, and local levels who reject policies clearly aimed at disenfranchising specific demographic groups.We must create long term change by decolonizing the American colonial-capitalist political system.

The motivation behind this push is clear: a ceaseless assault on Indigenous communities. Native Americans and their cultures are in crisis with the highest rates of poverty, illness, youth suicide, missing and murdered people in this country.

Additionally, Native Americans have fought at the frontlines of environmental threats that are now leading us to climate catastrophe. At this time our world needs the tangible example of Indigenous stewardship of our planet to change the world’s ecological and socio-economic trajectory and turn the tide on the climate crisis, poverty, and ongoing systemic inequities.

It is time we have full representation in our government. It is time we all support Indigenous candidates down the ballot.

Sign this petition and show your support for Indigenous candidates and a true representation of our country.

Participating Organizations:
Daily Kos
Friends of the Earth
Seeding Sovereignty