Sign the petition to Congress: Pass the Postal Service Reform Act to restore the USPS

As the US Postal Service continues to face challenges enacted by Trump's Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, we turn to our elected leaders to enact legislation to help save one of this nation’s most loved institutions.
Congress can act now to help reform the USPS and get it financially back on track – the Postal Service Reform Act, which would help stabilize USPS by eliminating unnecessary financial burdens that pre-date the pandemic.
Instead of having to set aside billions of dollars every year to pre-fund retiree health costs, the Postal Service would be able to pay these costs on a yearly basis, as do other government agencies and corporations.
The bill would also require the USPS to set up an online, publicly available dashboard to track service performance, creating transparency between the USPS and the public.
If passed, it would be the first major postal reform legislation in 15 years. Passing the Postal Service Reform Act would strengthen a public service whose mission is to provide universal, affordable service.
Sign the petition to Congress: Pass the Postal Service Reform Act and ensure self-sustaining, high-quality postal service.Participating Organizations: