Sign the petition to news networks: Do not give election deniers a platform

News networks must stop giving election deniers a platform to promote lies. Networks cannot give the opportunity to spread misinformation and lies about election results on air.

Rep. Elise Stefanik appeared on ‘Meet the Press’ and stated she wouldn’t commit to certifying the 2024 election results. Then NBC News hired former Republican National Committee Chair and election denier Ronna McDaniel to its network as a paid on-air commentator. McDaniel has repeatedly promoted the Big Lie of voter fraud in the 2020 election and still, to this day, has refused to acknowledge President Biden was fairly elected. This decision was quickly met with many, many denouncements and, in turn, NBC News has now reversed their decision.

Why? Because election deniers do not respect or observe facts–basic, democratic facts. Giving propagators of the Big Lie a platform betrays viewers and violates journalistic commitments to the facts.

If you can’t tell the truth from fiction, you shouldn’t be given a news platform. Election deniers have no have no business appearing on any legitimate news outlet. Journalism is reporting the facts–not propping up a lie that is one of the reasons our democracy is teetering on the edge as we get closer and closer to the 2024 general election.

Sign the petition: News networks cannot give election deniers a platform for espousing lies masked as news.

Participating Organizations:
Daily Kos
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
Democratic Values
Inequality Media Civic Action
Left Click
The Majority Rules
National Campaign for Justice