Sign the petition to President Biden: Block all new fossil fuel projects and invest in a clean energy future

A recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) makes the science on fossil fuels and climate change exceedingly clear – to protect a livable planet, we need to “end new oil, gas and coal funding.” Not just that, but the latest science shows that we have more than enough renewable energy potential to power our societies and economies.
That means no new oil wells, no new fracked gas fields, and no new coal mines. It means no new pipelines, refineries, and gas hook ups. It means it’s time for our government to put its money where its mouth is and start addressing the climate emergency with the urgency required.
President Biden has taken some important steps forward on climate, but there’s so much more he could and should be doing to fight climate change. It’s time for us – all of us – to raise our voices in unison and tell him to do everything in his power to address the climate crisis.
Don’t just cancel some fossil fuel pipelines (Keystone) – use your authority to block all new and proposed pipelines (Line 3, North Brooklyn). Don’t just pause drilling in the Arctic Refuge – end all of Trump’s expansions into the Arctic. Don’t just rejoin the Paris Accords-- start engaging with other nations around a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
All across the nation – from Los Angeles to Des Moines to New York City to Memphis to Seattle and beyond – local governments are joining the SAFE Cities movement by blocking new fossil fuel projects to protect their residents and address the climate crisis. They’re prioritizing investment in green projects, electrification, and initiating a just transition to a clean energy future.
At the same time, people are fighting mega-fossil fuel projects like the Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota, the Jordan Cove LNG terminal in Oregon, the North Brooklyn pipeline in New York, and the Byhalia Connection in Tennessee. National leadership and action to stop these destructive projects is essential.
President Biden has a chance to implement policies that could turn the tide in the fight against climate change by blocking new fossil fuel projects and investments – let’s make sure he knows that it’s a priority for the people who call the United States home.
Sign the petition: Biden must stop all new fossil fuel projects and start making big strides towards the climate mitigation we MUST have.