Sign the petition: To strengthen the USPS and lower costs, remove DeJoy

Under Trump-holdover Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s failing leadership, Americans have seen slower mail deliveries and increased costs. There have been five rate increases since 2020. Additionally, slashing U.S. Postal Service jobs, coupled with closing and consolidating mail centers, continues to delay the mail. These harms to the USPS and the American people were all conducted under DeJoy’s disastrous 10-year plan.
What’s more, it’s an election year, and DeJoy has a history of obstructing voting by mail.
In order to save the USPS and support the access of the American people, DeJoy must go! To oust DeJoy, we must have a USPS Board of Governors willing to do just that–only the USPS Board can fire DeJoy. That is exactly what they should do after his numerous failings, conflicts of interest, and destructive leadership.
Right now, President Biden can nominate two new public servants to open seats on the Board who will stand up to DeJoy’s destructive leadership and advocate strongly for expanding USPS services. Over 80 U.S. Congresspeople, including members of the committee overseeing the Postal Service, are urging President Biden to do just that and finally oust DeJoy.
We are fed up with DeJoy’s mismanagement of the USPS. We will not stand for further raised prices, additional facility closures, more jobs lost, and other changes that hinder the quality of our mail services under DeJoy’s leadership. President Biden must take action to have DeJoy removed.
Sign the petition to President Biden: Nominate two new members to the USPS Board of Governors needed to fire Louis DeJoy and expand postal services.Participating Organizations: