Sign the petition to Subway restaurants: Keep your customers safe! There is no room for firearms inside of your stores

Counter-protests to the COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home measures are drawing large groups in defiance to the safety protocols established by U.S. governors. One such group marched right into a North Carolina food chain restaurant heavily armed.
A group of anti-lockdown protestors marched into a Subway restaurant in Raleigh carrying multiple pistols, shotguns, and an AT4 rocket launcher! They ordered sandwiches and ate their lunch while resting deadly weapons on their tables and laps.
Subway is blatantly endangering the lives of its employees and customers by allowing these deadly weapons in their restaurants, and there are many photos to prove it.
During this time of great economic upheaval, stress, and uncertainty, our nation has experienced a spike in gun sales and corresponding increases in every-day gun violence, suicides, and domestic incident reports. Research has consistently found that the presence of a visible firearm makes people more aggressive, transforming mere disagreements into violent, and potentially deadly, confrontations.
Additionally, and unfortunately, Subway is no stranger to gun violence. According to analysis of data from the Gun Violence Archive, Subway has experienced at least 65 incidents of gun violence in or near its restaurants nationwide since 2014, resulting in 21 deaths and 28 injuries.
In fact, in late March of 2020, an individual fired his gun at a police officer near a Subway restaurant in Carencro, Louisiana and told police he was infected with the coronavirus.
Many prominent American businesses, including Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Kroger, CVS, Walgreens, Wegmans, and others, have established clear policies that ask individuals to leave their guns at home.
Subway must take responsibility and do their part in keeping Americans safe as we work to rebuild our lives and begin to repatronize businesses -- they must enact a no-carry standard in all of their restaurants.
Sign the petition to Subway: Keep your employees and customers safe from the threat of gun violence by prohibiting people from openly carrying weapons in your restaurants.Participating Organizations: