Sign the petition to the EPA: Strengthen and finalize the Climate Pollution Rule!

Millions of Americans are holding their breath, waiting for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) finalized carbon pollution rules. Rules 111b and 111d of the Clean Air Act would be the first-ever carbon regulations for existing power plants, and if implemented, would require coal and gas plants to cut or capture nearly all of their emissions by 2040.
This is a big deal. Existing power plants make up about 25% of our country’s greenhouse gases.
But right now, corporate lobbyists and fossil fuel-friendly legislators are out in force to convince EPA to weaken these proposed rules. As usual, Big Fossil Fuel is more worried about its bottom line than they are about the global climate crisis.
Strengthening, maintaining, and enforcing these rules would not only improve public health and promote environmental justice, but would also bring us closer to reaching President Biden’s goal of 80% clean energy by 2030. The EPA can’t afford to compromise on these rules–we must do what it takes to strengthen and enact these rules.
The proposed rules have not yet been finalized – so we need to remind the EPA of its duty to the American people and not to corporate lobbyists.
President Biden and EPA Administrator Michael Regan promised to cut global warming pollution in half by 2030, and to “net zero” by 2050. The carbon pollution rules are a key step to achieving these goals.
Join us in telling EPA Administrator Michael Regan that Americans can’t wait for clean, pollution-free air. Strengthen and finalize the carbon pollution rules as soon as possible!