Sign the petition to the Fed: Make lowering the Black unemployment rate a priority for 2022.

Black and brown workers continue to be hit the hardest by the pandemic. The December jobs report revealed that the unemployment rate for Black workers rose to 7.1 percent, more than double that of white workers at 3.2 percent. The Black unemployment rate was the only such statistic to see an increase in December, further signifying that Black Americans are not experiencing the same level of economic recovery from the pandemic as the rest of the country.

Disparities in access to health care resources and the labor market play an important role in understanding the unemployment gap. Among higher unemployment rates, Black communities continue to experience higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths. The pandemic is also putting a higher demand on Black women in caring for sick relatives and household work, in addition to being at greater risk from the virus.

Persistent unemployment gaps by race continue to drive home the need for public investment that centers promoting equity and shared prosperity. We will not reach full economic recovery until we reach maximum employment for all.

Officials at the Federal Reserve describe the maximum employment mandate from Congress as ‘broad-based and inclusive’. Last summer, after a 20-month review, it was decided that the Black unemployment rate would be incorporated as an economic indicator of whether or not the U.S. has reached maximum employment.

Now, advocates for broad-based and inclusive employment face an uphill battle to keep this goal a priority for the Fed for 2022, amidst dominating conversations on inflation.

We need a real commitment from the Federal Reserve if we ever hope to achieve an equitable recovery, and that means emphasizing the significance of the Black unemployment rate.  

As is, the federal employment rate is an indicator of the strength and health of our economy. A strong and equitable economy cannot be achieved until the Fed and policymakers make a significant commitment to reducing the Black unemployment rate and closing the gap once and for all.

Sign the petition to the Fed: Make lowering the Black unemployment rate a priority for 2022.    

Participating Organizations
Americans for Financial Reform
Blue Amp Action
Broward for Progress
Daily Kos
Hip Hop Caucus
Jobs With Justice
Progress America