Sign the petition: Unions help rebuild the middle class. Pass the PRO Act!

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is a landmark labor law reform that aims to level the playing field between employers and employees. It empowers workers so they can negotiate better conditions, fair pay, and respect in the workplace.

As the labor movement gains momentum, with unions across industries striking for better conditions, fair wages, and respect in the workplace, workers are making significant gains.

Hollywood writers ended a nearly five-month strike with wage increases and protections against outsourcing writing duties to artificial intelligence, and UPS employees ended predatory wage tiers and won critical workplace safety protections.

The PRO Act will strengthen these efforts in several key ways:

  • Facilitate Union Organizing: It will make it easier for workers to form and join unions, a critical factor in negotiating better working conditions.

  • Prevent Employer Interference: Employers will no longer have the ability to interfere in union elections, giving workers a fair chance to organize.

  • Enhance Legal Protections: Workers will have stronger legal protections when they are wrongfully terminated for union activities.

  • Promote Fair Labor Practices: Employers will be held accountable for unfair labor practices, protecting workers from exploitation.

Sign the petition: Support unions by passing the PRO Act!

Participating Organizations
Civic Shout
Corporate Accountability
Daily Kos
Demand Progress
The Juggernaut Project
Left Click
Native Voters Alliance Nevada
Progressive Reform Network
Trader Joe's United