Sign the petition: University costs are too high! Higher education needs reform to reduce tuition costs.

The cost of attending college in the United States is climbing at an alarming rate, presenting a significant barrier to higher education access. Recent trends have shown a sharp increase in tuition and fees, with institutions like the University of Virginia and Syracuse University enacting hikes of over 4.5%.

This surge is a reaction to several factors, including inflation, competitive pressures, supply and demand dynamics, and particularly state funding cutbacks. With state funds dwindling or being reallocated, public universities, in particular, have faced financial strain, passing those costs to students instead.

The rising cost of education has far-reaching consequences, impacting not just students but also the broader economy. Students are increasingly burdened with debt, with many expecting significant portions of their loans to be forgiven. This debt load has tangible impacts, delaying major life milestones like home ownership and inhibiting the ability to start businesses, which in turn affects job creation and economic growth.

The current trajectory of increasing college tuition is unsustainable. To ensure that higher education remains accessible and affordable, a multifaceted approach is needed. This approach should address the root causes of tuition inflation, such as the lack of state funding and the competitive pressures that drive up costs. Additionally, reevaluating the structure of financial aid and the impact of federal assistance on tuition prices could mitigate the rapid growth in costs.

By confronting these challenges head-on, we can work towards a future where higher education is a feasible aspiration for all.

Sign the petition: Higher education needs reform to reduce tuition costs.

Participating Organizations
Democracy for America Advocacy Fund
National Campaign for Justice
Progressive Reform Network