Sign the thank you card to Stacey Abrams

The thank you card to Stacey Abrams reads:

"Thank you for everything you have done to increase voter turnout in Georgia and around the country."

Stacey Abrams is a hero and a national treasure. After "losing" the Georgia gubernatorial race in 2018 in an election marred by widespread voter suppression, Abrams devoted herself to expanding the electorate and increasing voter turnout in her state.

Her work, alongside the work of the work of a powerful multi-racial coalition of organizers, registered hundreds of thousands of voters in Georgia alone.

Thanks to this tireless work, Joe Biden is now poised to become the first Democrat to win the state of Georgia in a presidential election in nearly 30 years. All of us owe Stacey Abrams a huge debt of gratitude.

Thank you, Stacey Abrams! Add your name to our thank you card now.

What many people don’t realize is that Stacey Abrams’ role in the 2020 election extended far beyond Georgia. As Chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Ben Wikler put it, “Stacey & her team were pivotal to flipping Wisconsin too. And every other battleground. They worked with us to build massive, supercharged voter protection teams—starting early.”

Stacey Abrams is a superstar politician and moral leader who is likely to play a major role in American politics for decades to come. Whether she ends up in the Biden-Harris administration, in the Georgia Governor’s Mansion or in the White House itself some day, we can be confident that she will continue to lead and inspire with integrity and vision.

For now, let’s show Stacey Abrams that we appreciate everything she has done so far for voting rights and civic engagement in Georgia and around the country by sending her a big thank you card expressing our appreciation. Can you add your name to the thank you card now?

Sign the thank you card: Thank you, Stacey Abrams!