Sign to take the pledge: Hold corporations accountable for taking advantage of working people

Some of the nation's largest corporations have been using inflation rates and soaring gas prices as an excuse to raise prices and rake in billions of dollars in additional profit.
Corporate price gouging is a major issue that directly impacts every American, especially working Americans. And yet, Republicans continue to shift the blame for soaring prices everywhere but the true source – the corporations that directly fund their campaigns. Republicans refuse to rein in big corporations while collecting millions of dollars in donations — Every Republican member of Congress voted against the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower costs and rein in corporate greed.
This is inexcusable. We cannot continue to struggle to afford day to day necessities like food, gas, and prescription drugs– driven by corporate price gouging – while politicians rake in money by the millions.
We are calling on our elected leaders to rein in corporations and fight for working people.Join us by taking the pledge today: This midterm election, I pledge solidarity with working people, not corporations.
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