Sign up for Heat Strike

Heat Strike is a rapid response plan for extreme heat in the UK - when it's too hot to work thousands of people around the UK will go on Heat Strike, demanding the government make a plan to protect people from the effects of the climate crisis now and in the future. Sign up to keep up to date!

Our demands are:

  • Set national maximum working temperature - When it’s too hot to work, Heat Strike. Since 2008 unions have been calling for a maximum working temperature, but the UK government still isn’t listening. We demand the UK government set a national maximum working temperature.
  • Put in place a heat wave furlough scheme - Heat waves in the UK are only set to get hotter and more frequent, working people can’t afford to bear the cost of climet breakdown and they shouldn’t have to. We demand the government and employers set up a heat wave furlough schemes.  
  • Make a climate action plan - The UK government’s climate action plan has been ruled illegally inadequate. People are feeling the heat right now. We demand the government make a plan to protect workers and vulnerable people now, and to avert the worst of climate collapse in years to come.

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