Sign Up for Updates on CPS Legislation

Legislation has been passed in Albany to limit the number of cases that can be carried by a Child Protective Services worker to no more than 15 cases at one time.

We need your help to organize and mobilize your friends and coworkers to get this legislation signed into law.

Use this form to sign up to receive information on how you can help. You can also contact your region political action coordinator and ask what you can do.

Region 1

Sue Castle – (631) 462-0030

Region 2

Matt D’Amico – (212) 406-2156

Region 3

Chris Ludlow – (845) 831-1000

Region 4

Bryan Miller – (518) 782-4400

Region 5

Rick Noreault – (315) 433-0050

Region 6

Chris Rackl – (716) 691-6555

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