Sign up to affirm your support and join the DC Working Families Party:

Read the statement of values and if you agree, then sign up to join us and participate in our next endorsement process. To be eligible to participate in our Ward 7 endorsement vote you must either by a due-paying member or completed this form by Tuesday, January 14th at 12:00 pm.

Working Families Party Statement of Values

I affirm my support for the Working Families Party:

  • I believe we must transform the United States into a nation that works for the many, not just the few.
  • I believe that all of us deserve to earn enough to thrive, not just survive, to leave a better future for our kids, to have healthy food and clean water, safe neighborhoods, and a safe world.
  • I believe it is immoral that some of the richest people on Earth — and the political insiders who serve them — have grabbed up so much wealth and power for themselves, while seeking to divide and distract working people from what we have in common.
  • I believe we must dismantle racism, white supremacy, sexism, and other structural inequalities.
  • I believe we need a multiracial, grassroots, progressive political party that fights for workers over bosses and people over the powerful.
  • I pledge to be a part of the Working Families Party by voting in every election for which I am eligible, volunteering and donating when I can, talking to my friends, family, and neighbors, and standing up for dignity, compassion and justice for all.
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