Sign Up to Canvass for Postcards

We are hitting the pavement in three key districts: those of Senate President Bill Ferguson (Baltimore), Senate Finance Chair Melony Griffith (Baltimore), and Senate Finance Vice Chair Katherine Klausmeier (Prince George’s County). We are going into the districts of these key senators to get their constituents to personally sign postcards telling their senators why they support us and collective bargaining.

We had our first canvass this past weekend. It was wildly successful! Far beyond what we expected. The people we talked with could not believe that the USM was fighting to keep us from having the basic democratic right to collective bargain. They were often outraged when they heard about graduate and contingent faculty working conditions within USM. It was the easiest canvassing work any of us had ever done. And the level of support was honestly inspiring.

We need to massively scale up this ground game in the coming weeks. We want people on the ground in all of these districts, Saturday and Sunday, for the next three weeks. These politicians need to know that we can get into their district and that their constituents strongly support us.

Please sign up here and we will contact you with more detailed scheduling information.

We cannot emphasize how important this action is. The success of this bill will be made or lost on the ground in the next three weeks.

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