Social meet-ups 2025
Please join us for the next
Chichester & Arun Green Party social meet-up
Local Green Party members will be joining the Littlehampton monthly beach clean on:
- Sunday 26 January
- Sunday 23 February
- Sunday 30 March
- Sunday 27 April
- Sunday 25 May
- Sunday 29 June
* Please always check local weather reports before heading out. We won't be meeting if there are weather warnings! *
Everyone is welcome to join the Beach Cafe for a stroll along the beach, picking up some litter along the way. The Beach Cafe will supply gloves, litter pickers and bags - they would just love a few extra hands to keep our coast looking beautiful.
Meet at 9.30am to join the beach clean.
and / or
Meet at 11.00am, for a coffee in the Beach Cafe afterwards.
This is a great chance to meet other local members in a friendly and relaxed setting. The cafe can get busy, so please do let us know you're coming! If you have any questions, please contact Sarah.
The address for the Cafe is: Sea Road, Littlehampton, BN16 2NA. Please note it is the cafe opposite the Wave leisure centre, not the one on East Beach Green! If you can, please plan your journey on public transport.
Please also sign up here if you're interested in getting more involved with local volunteering.
Thanks for your interest and support - we look forward to seeing you soon!