Socialist Job Fair 5/18

GET A JOB: Organizing with Socialists!

*Sick and tired of your current employment / under-employment / unemployment?

*Alienated and alone at work, without a socialist in sight?

*Get a job organizing with other socialists!

*Do political work on the job, not just in the evening and on weekends!

*Build working class power where we have the most leverage (the strike weapon) against the capitalists – at work!

*Build social and political relationships with your co-workers, meet regularly with DSA comrades to plan and carry out campaigns to improve working conditions, organize a union or invigorate an existing union, and eventually spread the socialist message and connect co-workers with the DSA and wider working-class campaigns.

*Contact us at for more info.

Expect a call from one of our organizers. You will be informed of the Socialist Job Fair location the day before the event. The job fair will be 11 AM - 2 PM on May 18th.

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