Solidarity is Brewing in StL! Sign Up Form

The wave of Starbucks unions has come to St. Louis! Starbucks workers are squaring off with one of the biggest global corporate juggernauts, and it's the responsibility of all socialists to do what we can to support them!

DSA has made it a nationwide priority campaign to support organizing Starbucks workers, and St .Louis DSA is supporting stores that have filed for an election in the St. Louis region. We are in regular contact with the Starbucks workers organizing & ready to get to work.

Whether you are a Starbucks worker at a store that's filed, a worker at an unorganized workplace, a worker in another union looking to show solidarity, or you've been watching the exciting labor wave from a distance but haven't been sure how to get involved, fill out this form and join us. If you are a Starbucks worker at a store that hasn't filed/started organizing, we can connect you with the union.

Solidarity is Brewing in St. Louis!

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St. Louis, Missouri