Solutions for Pollution Coalition Sign-On

CAC Solutions for Pollution Logo

What is the Climate Action Campaign?

CAC is a vibrant coalition of a dozen major national environment, environmental justice, and public health groups, working together to drive ambitious, durable federal action based on science, to address the climate crisis. Our goal is to reduce climate pollution and accelerate the transition to clean energy and a sustainable society in ways that support justice, jobs, improved health and quality of life for all.

What is the Solutions for Pollution Campaign?

CAC's Solutions for Pollution campaign is a dynamic, movement-wide advocacy effort to call on the Biden administration to carry out its responsibilities under our nation's bedrock environmental laws, such as the Clean Air Act, by advancing approximately 20 protections across federal agencies that could cut climate pollution in half by 2030, advance vital public health and environmental justice goals, accelerate the transition to clean energy, and create new economic opportunity.

Why are we asking you to join?

Over the rest of its first term, the Biden administration has the authority to set strong standards and take other actions that together would help meet the president's promise to cut climate pollution in half by 2030, advance environmental justice,  protect public health. We believe that along with demonstrating the scientific need and technical feasibility of action, the best way to get President Biden and his administration to keep to their promises is to demonstrate the broad and deep support from across the nation for implementing the strongest possible solutions for pollution.

Our goal is to get hundreds of groups - local state and national - to sign onto the campaign and participate in these administrative actions. While not every group that signs will actually participate in every one of the 20 administrative actions, we are looking for groups that support our overall goals. And we hope your organization fits that bill!!

We will provide numerous opportunities over the next two years for groups to engage on these standards and executive actions through generating public comments, turning out for public hearings, participating in public and media-sponsored events, helping to broaden the coalition, creating and sharing social media content, and more to ensure that the Biden administration sets the strongest possible standards and moves as many of these policies as quickly and boldly as possible.

As long as you support the overall goals and at least one of the specific  actions we're calling for, we are looking forward to working with you as part of this campaign. We will make it easy for you to join any activities that make sense for your organization and to opt-out of any actions you'd rather not sign onto or participate in.