Spring 2022 Open Mic Sign up Form

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About our Open Mics:
In case you are not familiar with Aliento open mics, these are spaces where we can be whole, feel safe, and be in community! It is a place to share stories that connect us, unite us, and make us feel alive in our community. We celebrate and love our migrant families. Everyone is welcome. ❤
Here we have outlined some of the upcoming dates for our spring season! Please sign up to the Open Mics you’d like to attend! We encourage you to add the dates you selected to your personal calendar, but just in case; we will follow up leading up to the event(s) you selected with reminders and confirmations so be on the lookout for messages from Aliento!
- June 3rd | 6-8 pm
We hold our Open Mics every first Friday of the month. We typically hold our open mics from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. We'll have the location for our June 3rd event soon and we'll let you know before the event via email.
Performer? Want to share?
If you’re interested in sharing something we want you to know that it's not required to have a “perfect” piece, or experience as a performer - although if you have experience we’d love to have you!
Sobre nuestras noches bohemias:
Si acaso no es familiar con las noche bohemias de Aliento estos son espacios donde nos podemos sentir completos, seguros, y junto con la comunidad. Es un espacio donde podemos compartir las historias que nos hacen sentir unid@s y conectad@s. Celebramos y queremos a nuestras familias inmigrantes. Todos son bienvenidos.
En esta página, tenemos las fechas próximas de la temporada de primavera. Por favor registrese para las noches bohemias que gusten! Recomendamos que agreguen las fechas a su calendario personal/ Por si acaso, le mandaremos unos recuerdos sobre el evento que seleccionó. Este al pendiente por unos mensajes de Aliento!
- 3 de junio | 6-8pm
Las noches bohemias son cada primer viernes del mes. Normalmente las noches bohemias son de 6:00pm-8:00pm. Te dejaremos saber la ubicacion del evento por correo electronico.
Artista? Quiere compartir?
Si quieren compartir, queremos dejarles saber que no es necesario tener un algo perfecto preparado. Si tiene experiencia o si no tiene experiencia, todos son bienvenid@s.