Stockholm Events Evaluation Form FFF, SFF, GFF, GGB, SR, XR, CDSW and more

Regular Climate and Ecocide Actions and Evaluations

Available Languages Below: English Svenska

Stockholm Region Events and EvaluationsPlease Share this QR Link to this evaluation form

Weekly Actions

16:15 Tuesday Climate Demonstration Street Walks, Sergels torg (SR, XR, KlimatUppropet med mera)
18:00 Tuesday Open Space (week number even)
12:00 Wednesday Researchers Desk (zoom)
09:00 Friday Fridaysforfuture Mynttorget (youth)
12:00 Friday Extinction Rebellion Choir Riksgatan
12:00 Saturday Saturdaysforfuture, Klimataktion, Medborgarplatsen
20:00 Sunday FFFMap Record, Appreciate, Share Project (zoom

Goal with Events Evaluation

(1) To share a general calendar information regular actions
Lift general awareness of weekly/monthly meetings and actions for new people.

(2) Evaluation aim ho it's aimed at?
Participants of weekly and monthly actions

(3) what you are trying to find out?
Did they feel safe?
Would they invite a friend to join?

Veckovis aktioner

kl 16:30 tisdag Climate Demonstration Street Walks, Sergels torg (SR, XR, KlimatUppropet med mera)
kl 18:00 tisdag Open Space (jämna veckor)
kl 12:00 onsdag Researchers Desk (zoom)
kl 09:00 fredag Fridaysforfuture Mynttorget (youth)
kl 12:00 fredag Extinction Rebellion kö Riksdagen
kl 12:00 lördag Saturdaysforfuture, Klimataktion, Medborgarplatsen
kl 20:00 söndag FFFMap Record, Appreciate, Share (zoom


General information about this form and working with the team

Turn out for FridaysforFuture! Register on the FFF global map Find an event near you
Get information Report the event results

Turn out for FridaysforFuture!
Register on the FFF global map
Report the event results

Register on the global FFF map
Find an event near you
Report the event results
Support for Climate!
Register on the global FFF map
Report the event results

See the coming global actions “Calendar

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Other: Start small and grow your campaign.
Several events are with one person.