Stop The Sale of Bullets in Vending Machines!

The sale of bullets from vending machines in grocery stores is a dangerous escalation in the normalization of gun culture in America. This issue demands immediate action, and we need your voice.
A Texas-based company has begun placing computerized vending machines that sell ammunition in grocery stores across Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas.

With these machines, you can now pick up a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, and a box of bullets all in one trip. While the company insists that their age-verification technology makes these transactions safe, the potential for increased gun violence is alarming.

Why this matters today:
Increased Access: Easy access to ammunition in everyday settings increases the risk of impulsive violence.
Public Safety: Gun violence already claimed 33 lives on Independence Day alone. More bullets on the streets mean more potential for tragedy.
Community Impact: These machines normalize the sale of dangerous weapons in family-friendly environments like grocery stores.

We are urging Congress to ban the installation and use of ammunition vending machines in grocery stores nationwide. Innovations in technology should be used to enhance public safety, not jeopardize it.

Every signature brings us closer to ensuring our communities are safer. Let’s come together to demand a ban on ammunition vending machines in grocery stores and protect our communities from the threat of gun violence