Stop this tax bill

As AFSCME members are working to improve our communities, corporate special interests are lobbying to rob our neighborhoods of the resources needed for quality public services.

In a few days, the U.S. Senate will vote on a bill that will raise taxes on 87 million working families and hurt state and local public services in order to pay for massive new tax breaks for big corporations and the super wealthy.

In exchange for trillions in new tax cuts for corporations and millionaires, senators even plan to repeal a key element of the Affordable Care Act and cut $25 billion from Medicare per year. Thirteen million people will lose their health insurance if this bill is signed into law.

Under this bill, the average American family will see their taxes go up, while the corporations who already rig the rules to avoid paying their fair share get even more. Your senator will be one of the deciding votes, and they need to hear from you.

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