Submit a Letter to the Editor Supporting A Day Without a Woman

On International Women’s Day, women around the world rose for A Day Without a Woman, a day of action for women’s equality. There still is much work to be done to obtain equality for all women and fight back against policies that allow Wall Street and corporations to take advantage of workers while lowering wages and stripping workers of rights.

Enter your ZIP code to send a letter to the editor today saying why you joined in A Day Without a Woman to stop the Trump agenda.

Below is sample text you can use to write your letter.

Note: You’ll want to modify your letter a little from this sample text to increase the chances your letter is published. We recommend referencing your city and including a personal story in your letter, too.

Sample Letter Text:

  • Tens of thousands of people joined the March 8 “A Day Without a Woman” action to stand up for equality, dignity and respect.
  • Disrupting business was the point as a means to center the struggles of women and force our leaders to take note.
  • Many women still aren’t guaranteed paid family leave or sick days that enable them to care for themselves and their families.
  • Union women have the power of collective bargaining to negotiate better wages and conditions, but many working women still face sexual harassment and discrimination, as well as wage discrimination at the job.
  • Women deserve to be treated equally and to receive equal pay for equal work.
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