Subscribe to Winn's newsletter - ACTIONS and NEWS

This is an insider's sign-up to get an Action Letter in your inbox directly from me — Founder and Executive Director — and is targeted for folks who want to take effective action that fits their mission and get updates as we progress along. You are among the core group of do-er's!

Actions include work from two separate legal entities:  

  • Action Together New Jersey (ATNJ) - a nonprofit 501c4 civic organization: voter-to-voter outreach mailers and postcards, any voting rights/voting access/election infrastructure legislation, clean energy actions, Board of Education actions.
  • ATNJ Education Fund - a 501c3 nonpartisan charity: year-round voter education, Spanish-speaking household voter outreach, clean energy education, and Board of Education awareness and education.

Both legal entities above, while separate with their own missions, are used to achieve our overall vision of a society that is responsive to the 99% working class people. We work to change the laws, change voters' voting habits, and change our elected representatives to ones who will represent us. Each organization is a vehicle that allows us to do these activities with transparency under all IRS requirements and campaign communication laws.  

And, please support what you believe in by donating for our nonprofit!  Support grassroots. Support AAPI-led leaders. Support our democracy.

Thank you!

Uyen "Winn" Khuong, Founder and Executive Director

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Madison, NJ