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To the Municipal Clerk of the Township of West Windsor:
We, the undersigned, registered voters of the Township of West Windsor, Mercer County, New Jersey, hereby request that the following question to change the municipal charter of the Township of West Windsor, be submitted to the electorate for a vote in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-25.1, at the general election which next follows the submission of this petition:
Shall the municipal charter of the Township of West Windsor, governed by the non-partisan Mayor-Council form of government under the Faulkner Act, be amended, as permitted under that plan, to provide for a change from non-partisan to partisan municipal elections to be held in November?
We, the undersigned, registered voters of the Township of West Windsor, Mercer County, New Jersey, further recommend that the following interpretive statement be submitted to the voters along with the question:
Interpretive Statement: The Township of West Windsor currently holds nonpartisan municipal elections in November, meaning that a candidate’s party affiliation is not currently indicated on the ballot. Voting “yes” to this question will allow for a change from non-partisan candidates for municipal office to partisan candidates for office to appear on the ballot as either a nominee of a political party or as an independent. A “No” vote will result in the continuation of nonpartisan elections to be held in November.