Support GMU Students Going to Trial Over Koch Agreements!

Students at George Mason University have sued their university's fundraising foundation, calling for the release of secret donor agreements with the Charles Koch Foundation. They're going to trial on April 24th!

George Mason University is ground zero is the fight against Koch influence in higher education. GMU has received at least $120 million in Koch funding since 2005, more than every other Koch-funded school combined. It's also home to the Mercatus Center, Koch's leading anti-regulatory think tank. It is essential that George Mason University disclose the donor agreements.

These students are a brave band of Davids, going up against incredibly well-funded Goliaths — George Mason University, The GMU Foundation, and, ultimately the biggest of all, the Koch network. Let them know that they are not alone in this fight: send the students a message of support!

It's time for the university to support the best interest of students, not corporate billionaires. Not only can you bolster the students' confidence as they head into battle, you will show GMU that the country is watching.

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