Contact and Meet Your MP- How We Can Move Towards a UBI

Since contacting almost all candidates in the 2024 general election, we have been planning to meet as many MP's as possible to tell them why they should back a UBI and how we can get there.

We're asking you to contact your MP wherever you are, to let them know you want to meet them to help them understand how Basic Income can help your area.

If you have contacted your MP during our GE mailing campaign, you can let them know you now want to meet now the election is over!

We realise that people may well feel they need support with this, so we are here to help in any way we can, including training and joining in a meeting with you.

To support this action:

1) Use this document to find your MP's email address. To find this, use the ctrl and F buttons at the same time to use the search function and then type in their name.

Parliament UK who is my MP page

2) Fill in your details on this page to let us know you've taken action - you will receive an editable letter to email your candidates, once you hit 'Support the call'.

3) Let us know at one the emails above if you would like some training before meeting your MP. We can also explain the meeting plan and slideshow to you on Zoom. We would be very happy to join the meeting

Here are the slides for the meeting and a plan.

Please CC and (we use this email nationally at the moment)

Many thanks for your support. Together we can get past the noise and start working towards making real change for everyone.

Form by
UBI Lab Network
Churchover, United Kingdom
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