TAKE ACTION: Demand renters’ rights now!

Right now, there’s a federal comment period where the Biden administration is requesting input from renters.

In our latest report, Tara Raghuveer, Director of KC Tenants and People's Actions Homes Guarantee Campaign, told More Perfect Union:

“You shouldn’t be able to increase your rent 20% and evict a whole lot of tenants to maximize your profits for your investors.”

Eviction rates are higher now than they were before the pandemic. This is fueled by landlord industry groups, representing major banks, private equity firms, and some of America’s most notorious landlords that are spending millions of dollars lobbying the federal government against rent control.

But, a historic wave of tenant organizing is on the verge of winning renter protections that would be attached to federal loans -- affecting 1 in 4 apartments.

Watch our latest report and then submit your official comment using this form. We’ll deliver your comment to the Federal Housing Finance Agency before the deadline this Monday, July 31.

Official Comment:

If corporations are borrowing, on really favorable terms from the federal government, then that money, that’s backed by public dollars, should be conditioned on a set of tenant protections including rent control. Renters need relief now. I urge the federal government to enact a tenants’ Bill of Rights, including rent control, good cause eviction, safe housing standards, freedom from discrimination, and fair leases.

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