Take action with People Power United

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Join us! As a subscriber to People Power United you will be notified of upcoming events, issues,  and calls to action. Please note we do not share data with anyone. We use the sign-up information to share events, issues, and actions only. You are welcome to opt-out if there is no value in the information we provide.

Our goal is to empower a movement for social justice progress and provide you with the tools to push for a inclusive and progressive future. People Power United champions progressive values and power to the people. We are a group of people who believe in the possibility of change and work to make it happen.


*** Please note some of the calls-to-actions we share do ask for additional information, i.e. the office of the president and vice-president request a phone number to submit a comment, they also will ask for this information for each and every action. OUR GROUP DOES NOT SHARE DATA, we only directly forward your comment, letter, petition, etc to the recipient. We are about people power, and not spamming, or utilizing your data in a harmful manner.***

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