Take the #NotYourModelMinority Pledge

The #NotYourModelMinority Pledge is a commitment to end the ways in which the model minority myth positions Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) as a racial wedge for social justice through civic/political engagement, advocacy, organizing, and action.We are committed to resisting the erasure of decades worth of AAPI racial solidarity, and we demand agency and an end to the positioning of AAPIs as tools of white supremacy that supports systems of whiteness and propagates anti-Blackness.

We are committed to a future where Black lives, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, differently-abled people, Indigenous communities, people of various spiritual beliefs, working-class and immigrant communities, and women are freed from state sponsored and institutionalized forms of discrimination, racism, and violence.

By signing up, I pledge...

to FIGHT a status quo that continues to devalue Black lives, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, differently-abled people, Indigenous communities, people of various spiritual beliefs, immigrant communities, working-class people and women;

to VALUE the diversity of Asian and Pacific Islander people;

to ACT when I witness injustices, such as police brutality, profiling, and other forms of state sponsored and institutionalized violence;

to CONSPIRE in the collective liberation of all marginalized identities.

In our current political moment, we have been given a choice to stand on the side of freedom.

What side will you stand on?

Visit notyourmodelminority.weebly.com for more information.

Form by
Kenneth Gonzales
Fairfax, District of Columbia
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Washington, DC