Take the Pledge!
I pledge to boycott horseracing!
I pledge to:
- Never bet on, watch or attend a horserace.
- Educate friends and family about the cruel and deadly horseracing industry.
- Boycott products/businesses that sponsor horseracing events.
- Take action to be a voice for the horses.
Each year 2,000 horses are killed racing or training on American tracks.
Horseracing is cruel.
- Abusing unformed bodies
- Extreme, relentless confinement
- Whipping
- Drugging
- Buying and selling
- Trading and dumping
- Pain and suffering
- Maiming and destroying
Horseracing is deadly:
- Broken necks
- Severed spines
- Broken legs
- Cardiovascular collapse
- Pulmonary hemorrhage
- Blunt-force head trauma
- Ruptured ligaments
- Shattered legs
- Auctions
- Kill-buyers
- Transport trucks
- Abattoirs