Take the quick survey about divesting from the police and investing in communities

Since the Ferguson Uprising in 2014, police departments have spent many millions on trainings about implicit bias and de-escalation, without much evidence of success or change. After hundreds of years of oversight, reforms, commissions, and investigations into police brutality, police are still harming and killing people—disproportionately Black people—without much accountability.

Meanwhile, studies show that the most successful (and cost-effective!) way to reduce crime is to give people access to resources—including quality health services, quality public education, stable and affordable housing, clean water, nutritious food, and living wages. These institutions and societal conditions prevent harm by nourishing communities.

Instead of spending more money on institutions that kill and terrorize Black communities, activists are calling to invest our tax dollars in institutions and services that keep people safe and well.

We’re listening and taking the lead from the grassroots, and we want to hear from YOU.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey now. Thank you!