TDCJ Heat Incident Survey 2017

It is that time of year again in Texas when employees and incarcerated individuals may be affected by extreme heat conditions. Due to the potential for extreme heat conditions it is imperative that everyone take precautions to help prevent or reduce heat-related illnesses. TDCJ Administrative Directive, AD-10.64, "Extreme Temperature Conditions in the TDCJ," and CMHC Policy D-27.2, "Heat Stress," should be followed with the utmost care.

If you become aware of a situation where the TDCJ Heat Directive is not being followed, it should be reported immediately and if not remedied, a grievance should be filed.

If a heat situation continues, a grievance is filed or more importantly if you hear/know of a heat-related death, please complete the following heat survey. Please complete a new survey for each event. No identifying info will be released but you may be contacted by TIFA if follow-up information is needed.