Team Adrian General Election Leafleting

With one of only four target Green seats in the whole country, we have a truly unique chance to make history here in the East of England, electing Adrian Ramsay as the next Green MP in Waveney Valley.

But we need to act and mobilise fast. Every week, we'll be out delivering leaflets to our 41k households in the Waveney Valley. It's a mammoth task, but we have brilliant coordinators and teams ready to welcome you in every corner of the constituency. Let us know where you'd like to to (if you have a preference) and when you're available, and we'll put you in touch with the relevant leaflet coordinator.

The other parties are going to throw money at this campaign in a way we can’t compete with. But we have something far more powerful – you, our brilliant volunteers. We have the chance to show that elections aren’t won by deep pockets, but by people, principles, and purpose.

Every leaflet we deliver makes a tangible difference to our chances of getting our next Green MP. Thank you so much for being part of our movement!

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