Tell AOC: Impeach Clarence Thomas! We’ll have your back.

Clarence Thomas must be impeached. While he has always been a controversial figure, the situation has reached a fever pitch in recent weeks as reporting has uncovered incredible conflicts of interest that Thomas has hidden, as he’s received years of undisclosed gifts from Nazi-memorabiliia-collecting billionaire Harlan Crow.

This is not the first time that Thomas has been found to hide information that should have been disclosed, but it is the most extreme example to date, and requires an appropriate reaction.

There is a clear way to set an example here and protect our country from this sort of extreme corruption: Clarence Thomas must be impeached and removed from the Supreme Court. While no one in Congress has yet to enter articles of impeachment, on a recent episode of the Lever Time podcast, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated, “if no one's going to introduce [articles of impeachment], I would certainly be open to doing so and drafting them myself.”

Let’s make this happen. Add your name to our letter telling AOC that if she introduces articles of impeachment for Clarence Thomas in the House of Representatives, she’ll have a grassroots army backing her up.

With your voice included, we can apply the pressure needed to make this a reality.

As stated in The Lever: “If Thomas now faces no investigation or consequences for potentially violating long-standing federal ethics laws, his actions could create a precedent effectively legalizing unlimited, unreported gifts in much the way he demanded for political donations.”

It is critical that articles of impeachment are introduced. So please join this action telling AOC that you support her introducing articles of impeachment in the House of Representatives.