Tell Congress: Pass the Assault Weapons Ban!

Another heart-wrenching tragedy has torn through the heart of Iowa on January 4th, leaving a devastating trail: two precious lives lost and six grievously wounded in yet another mass shooting. This dreadful event is not just a news headline; it's a glaring beacon highlighting America's unique and unyielding crisis – the epidemic of relentless gun violence.

As we step into 2024, our nation has already been rocked by 7 mass shootings – averaging to an alarming rate of more than one every other day. This chilling pattern of violence is not just unacceptable; it's a loud cry for immediate and resolute action.

Thoughts and prayers, while comforting, are no longer enough. They cannot be the extent of our response. We are at a crossroads, where decisive action and effective policy are the only paths forward.

In this defining moment, our urgent plea is directed at Congress: it is time to pass the Assault Weapons Ban NOW!

We stand at the boiling point of this ongoing tragedy. Silence and inaction are luxuries we cannot afford. The time to act is now, to safeguard the lives of our fellow Americans and to honor those we have heartbreakingly lost.