Tell Congress: Save Our National Parks

Our national parks are many things: Symbols of national pride, vital ecosystems for America’s most iconic wildlife, and family-friendly getaways with inspiring vistas that bring together generations. That being said, they are also critically endangered and facing unprecedented threats.

Climate Change: Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns are altering ecosystems, threatening species, and increasing the frequency and intensity of wildfires and storms that wreak havoc on our parks.

Underfunding: Years of budget cuts have left our parks with a $12 billion maintenance backlog, affecting everything from trail repairs to historical preservation.

Increased Visitation: Record numbers of visitors are causing wear and tear on park infrastructure and natural resources, necessitating more funding for maintenance and conservation efforts.

Do not wait: Tell Congress to preserve our national parks by adding your name today! >>

If we don’t act now, our parks could be changed forever. The great glaciers of Glacier National Park in Montana could be lost in the next decade. Vulnerable animals in Florida’s famous Everglades could disappear for good. Even Joshua Tree’s namesake species could fall to our warming climate.

We need your help to urge Congress to take the following actions so our national parks can continue to inspire future generations.

Address the Maintenance Backlog: Allocate sufficient resources to repair and maintain park infrastructure, ensuring safe and accessible parks for all.

Enhance Conservation Efforts: Fund programs to protect and restore ecosystems and wildlife within the parks.

Support Climate Resilience: Invest in projects that help parks adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Improve Visitor Services: Enhance facilities and services to manage the impact of increasing visitation and provide educational opportunities for all visitors.

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