Tell Congress: Tax Excessive CEO Pay!

The growing income and wealth inequality we’re experiencing is the result of decades of policy choices made by people with the most wealth and power in our society.

According to a new report released by The Wall Street Journal, nine CEOs were paid over $100 million last year -- with Blackstone’s CEO, Stephen Schwarzman, making the highest at $253 million. Meanwhile, American workers’ wages have remained stagnant since the 1970s.

CEO pay is out of control, and ordinary workers are suffering the consequences. During the last session of Congress, Representative Barbara Lee (CA-12) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced the Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act, which would apply a higher corporate tax rate on companies that pay their CEOs 50x or more than their average worker.

Before the window of political opportunity potentially closes with the 2024 elections, Democrats must do whatever is necessary to confront excessive CEO compensation and show they’re on the side of the people -- not the rich CEOs.

Add your name today to demand Congress stand with workers and tax excessive CEO pay.