Tell Democratic Candidates: Stop Spending Money on the Fascist Hate Machine Formerly Known as Twitter

Despite the disturbing trend of escalating hate speech on X (formerly Twitter), Democratic candidates across federal, state, and local elections have collectively spent over a million dollars for political ads on the platform, even while companies like Apple and Disney have paused ads.

Under Elon Musk's rule, X has become a hotbed for antisemitic, hateful, and misleading content. They even just brought back Alex Jones, who spreads dangerous falsehoods, such as promoting the baseless conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

In a glaring contradiction, Representative Adam Schiff, who has publicly condemned X for toxic content under Elon Musk's reign, has spent the most of any single Democrat, pouring over $74,000 into advertising.

It's blatant hypocrisy: Schiff criticizes X for spreading hate, yet he feeds the beast with his campaign's ad dollars, effectively bankrolling the very platform he denounces.

Investing significant campaign funds into X, despite its known issues with hate speech and misinformation, blatantly contradicts his stance against such harmful content and raises serious ethical and moral concerns about using resources to financially support a platform that has become notorious for propagating divisive rhetoric and falsehoods.

With President Biden standing firm against funding Musk's chaos engine by not running any ads on the platform, Democrats across the nation must stop blindly fueling the fire they have vowed to extinguish.

Tell Democratic candidates to stop spending money on the fascist hate machine formerly known as Twitter by adding your name now.