Tell Maryland General Assembly: Pass the Women's Economic Security Agenda!

Call this number: (301)-970-5400

Ask them to connect you to your legislators in the House of Delegates or State Senate.

Tell them:
"My name is [NAME] and I live in [TOWN]. I think working families should have economic security. I am calling today to urge you to vote for the Women's Economic Security Agenda.  

[For the House:] That's HB1003: Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; HB580: Healthy Working Families Act; HB1175: Fair Scheduling Act;  and HB740: Paid Family & Medical Leave Insurance Program.

[For the Senate:] That's SB481: Equal Pay for Equal Work Act; SB472: Healthy Working Families Act; SB664: Fair Scheduling Act; and SB485: Paid Family & Medical Leave Insurance Program.
Thank you."

Repeat the process again for the other chamber, then report how the call went using the form below.

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