Tell Pres. Biden: Repeal CDC’s cruel anti-immigration policy Title 42

The petition to President Biden reads: “Repeal CDC’s cruel anti-immigration policy Title 42.”

As cities nationwide were going into quarantine, the Trump administration used the pandemic to make entry for undocumented immigrants even more impossible. Using Title 42, an order issued by the CDC last March, the Trump administration gave Customs and Border Protection (CBP) the right to expel migrants in the name of controlling the spread of COVID-19 in holding facilities.

This new regulation wasn't about keeping migrants safe. It was about keeping them out of the country altogether.

It's one of the most cynical moves Trump made during the pandemic, and as the crisis at the border becomes even more urgent, many are asking why Biden hasn't repealed the cruel policy already.

Tell Pres. Biden to repeal CDC's cruel Title 42; it's only making the situation at the border worse.

When Biden came into office, he issued a flurry of decrees to reverse some of Trump's worst policies. From the Muslim travel ban to an order to re-join the Paris Climate Accord, the new president took fast action to show that his presidency would be different. But one policy that he hasn't undone yet is Title 42. That needs to change.

The policy has turned away innumerable undocumented migrants at the border, sending them back from which they came.

The U.S. government cannot and should not send desperate migrants back to their home country without due process, but with Title 42, the CBP has the right to do just that.

Currently, the Biden Administration has taken a softer approach at the border while leaving Title 42 in place. According to U.S. Today, under Trump, nearly all migrants were turned away at the U.S. - Mexico border, including children. Under this presidency, unaccompanied minors have been allowed in while others, for the most part, are being turned away.

Title 42 was so objectionable to now Vice President Kamala Harris that she was a cosigner to a letter to the previous administration's Homeland Security chief accusing the department of using COVID-19 as an excuse to contravene our laws and immigration policies.

Tell the Biden Administration that Title 42 belongs in the Trump Era. Sign our petition and demand that Title 42 is repealed now.